- What: A day full of epic rapid chess (10 min. + 5 sec. per move). Followed by a prize ceremony (total prize fund >€1000) and a ‘borrel’ afterward.
- Who: All students (HBO, MBO, University)
- When: Sunday April 30th 2023; Starting from 11:00
- Where: Auditorium building of Eindhoven University of Technology (address: Auditorium 5612, 5612 AZ Eindhoven, 10 minutes walk from Eindhoven Central Station)
- Entry fee: €5,-
- Due to success of the tournament we have to set a limit of participants we can host at 220 participants.
Disclaimer: We have reached our limit so new subscriptions will end up on the waiting list. - Entry fee includes participation, lunch during the afternoon break and 2 drinks at the borrel!
- There is an option to join for dinner after the tournament for €8,50. You can indicate this in the subscription form until Tuesday April 18.
- Keep an eye on this website and follow our Instagram account for more updates about the tournament!
- Subscriptions close on 28-04 at 23:59

Additional info:
The tournament is for absolutely all students: from complete beginners to masters. Play against students from nearly all universities in the Netherlands and surrounding countries in a group representing your own playing strength.
Depending on the number of subscriptions, we will play in 1, 2, or (most likely) 3 different groups. We do this to make sure everybody gets to play opponents of their own strength and have a good time!
New this year on top of the individual tournament: the 4-person team tournament! Subscribe with 3 student friends and duke it out for the special team prizes. (Note: contrary to the individual tournament, the team tournament is a student tournament, but not an official Dutch student championship)
Games played in this tournament do not count towards any rating.
The tournament is organized by S.C.C.E. Noesis and S.S.V.N. Tussen de Torens, the student chess clubs of Eindhoven and Nijmegen. Check out our article about last year’s edition to get an idea of the atmosphere.
IMC Trading is our greatly-appreciated head sponsor of this tournament.
10:30-11:00 Participant registration
11:00-11:30 Opening statement
11:40-12:10 Round 1
12:25-12:55 Round 2
13:10-13:50 Lunch Break
13:50-14:20 Round 3
14:30-15:00 Round 4
15:15-15:45 Round 5
16:00-16:20 Coffee Break
16:20-16:50 Round 6
17:00-17:30 Round 7
17:45-18:10 Prize Ceremony
Group A:
1st: €120, 2nd: €80, 3rd: €40, rating prize (2x): €15
Group B:
1st: €70, 2nd: €40, 3rd: €25, rating prize (2x): €15
Group C:
1st: €50, 2nd: €35, 3rd: €20, rating prize (2x): €15
Team Tournament:
1st: Efteling ticket 4x, 2nd: Beekse Bergen ticket 4x, 3rd: Chess book voucher De Beste Zet 4x.
There are two possibilities: Participate in the individual tournament or subscribe to our 4-person team tournament with three of your friends and duke it out for our team prizes (which include Efteling tickets for the entire team)!
Register via this link, registrations close at the end of April 28th.
The list of participants can be found here: https://sccenoesis.nl/imc-dscc-registrations/
Privacy statement:
Our privacy statement can be found here: https://sccenoesis.nl/tournament-privacy-statement/
If you have any questions, please reach out! You can contact us at tournament@sccenoesis.nl