
Beginners chess course

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After the succes of last year’s beginners course, we will organize another one this year! The course will start immedetialy after the Christmas break. With this course, you can step up your chess game to the next level! The course will consist of 7 lesson that take place monday night at 19:30. No experience is required, our goal is to take you from a complete beginner to a 1000+ player!

The course is very general, you will learn about tactics, middle game strategy, openings and basic endgames! It will thus enable you take really take your chess game to the next level. Each class will have a theme and lasts for two hours. In first half of class you will be introduced to the topic of the week and make some puzzle/exercises and in the second half there is plenty of time to play some games.

06-01Recap of prior knowledge
13-01Double attack and pin
03-02Discovered attack and magnet combination
10-02Mate in 2 + checkmating technique
17-02Defending against checkmate
24-02Little plan + golden rules of the opening
10-03Basic pawn endgames

The course is open for everyone to join. But for non-members, there will be an extra S.C.C.E. Noesis membership fee to make you a Noesis member. The membership comes with all the perks of joining the club nights, social activities and access to the Scala kitchen. The course costs €20 with an additional €12,50 for the membership.

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