Last Wednesday, Noesis held their second club night. Although the attendance was not as spectacular as last week (when there were 70+ people!), it was still quite busy and cosy with 40-50 people. Some familiar faces showed up, as well as quite a few new ones.
The evening started off with a small presentation by Joost about our club, about its ancient origins (dating back nearly 6 months!), about what the club is today, and about what the club will be in the future. For the future, we need active participation from (at least a part of) our members, to keep the club happy, running, and growing: the board cannot do everything on their own. Fortunately, many members showed willingness to join one of our committees (amongst others activity committee, website committee, promo committee, internal documents committee). If you are a member that is interested in joining one of these committees, and have not let us know yet, please let us know at !
Learning from your games
After that, I discussed some games sent in by our members with everyone. There were lessons in there for players of varying levels, based on three games. If you could not attend the session, or you want to have another look at the games, you can check out the games over here:

Longer games
After the training session, members had the opportunity to play three longer games against each other. The group was split up into an advanced group and an intermediate/beginner group. Players had 15 minutes each per game this time, so that the players had some good time to think! In between games, many people made a short trip to Hubble (just down the stairs) to get some beverages. Throughout the room, there was a healthy mix of happy and concentrated faces!

Last open club night
For now, this was our last open club night. That means that our future club nights are only open to members. However, if you have not had a chance yet to visit any of our club nights, you can still come by for free once to see if the club is something you like!
Stay tuned to see what will happen in our next club night. So far, we can guarantee you that it will start at 19:30, in Luna 1.240, and it will involve some chess 😉 Hope to see you there!